Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos

Seaplace is hiring!!!


SEAPLACE has several open positions in Madrid

We are looking for motivated engineers who want to participate in naval and offshore projects development.

You will join to our Team in Madrid, where we have several open positions:

  • Manager for digital projects division (+8 years experience in development of marine projects and software, high skilled in leadership, strategic vision and team motivation, scrum and agile projects management, artificial intelligence knowledge, creative spirit to develop innovative and cutting-edge projects.
  • Structural engineers (+2 years experience in basic design and structural calculations for marine structures (ships and/or offshore platforms), FEM analyses, scantling, drawings development).
  • Naval architects (+1 year experience in ship and other marine devices design, knowledge of naval architecture principles, hydrodynamics, 3D modelling, 2D drawing development)
  • Simulations and software development junior engineers (+1 years experience in development of simulations and software related to marine industry, interested in hydrodynamics, energy and propulsion systems. Programming in Phyton and Matlab, artificial intelligence techniques (drl) are a plus).


  • High educational qualifications: Master of Science in Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (or similar)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Spanish
  • Spanish work permit is a must
  • Teamwork skills
  • Proactivity and self-motivation

By joining Seaplace you will be taking part of a huge family with more than 40 years of strong background in the Ship design and Offshore engineering. Our track record endorses us, with a wide portfolio of international key clients and projects. Our team is about 70 people, becoming in one of the biggest specialist naval engineering offices in Europe. Our employees are the heart of our work development; therefore, we pay special attention to keep colleagues’ cooperation and a good working atmosphere. We believe in continuous improvement and excellence as the only way to achieve optimal results.

Los colegiados interesados pueden enviar su candidatura al siguiente e-mail:

Ref: 57 SEAPLACE – Naval Arquitect

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