Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos

Nautilus Floating Solutions is looking for a Naval Architect


Ubication: Vizcaya (País Vasco)

Entreprise: Nautilus Floating Solutions is looking for a Naval Architect


  • Qualification: Master’s degree in Naval and Oceanic Engineering. Other degrees will be considered based on the experience provided
  • Minimum experience: A profile is sought with experience of at least 5 years in projects related to offshore wind energy and / or Naval and Oceanic Engineering
  • Extensive technical knowledge, among others:
    • Experience in conceptual / basic designs of offshore floating platforms
    • Theoretical and applied hydrodynamics for floating offshore wind platforms, including the analysis of small-scale tests
    • Use of design and simulation tools specific to Naval Architecture and Dynamics of Offshore Structures (Orcaflex, ANSYS AQWA, …)
  • Management of regulations and standards of Naval and Offshore Engineering, specifically those applicable to offshore wind, mainly floating • Proficiency in programming languages like Python
  • Languages: Fluent in Spanish and English, oral and written
  • Strong capacity to communicate (written and oral), especially for technical topics
  • Proactive and self-motivated
  • Availability to travel occasionally: attend meetings with clients or collaborators, congresses and conferences.



  • Responsible of the sizing, design and preliminary analysis of the floating structure
  • Hydrodynamic evaluation of the floater:
    • Perform simplified calculations to confirm natural periods, dynamic tilt and air-gap clearance
    • Carry out potential flow calculations, integrating non-linear hydrostatic and viscous damping
    • Prepare, supervise, analyse and validate and calibrate hydrodynamic models against model-scaled test results
    • Perform and verify the stability analysis of the floater, defining the loading conditions
  • Definition and supervision of the general layout and internal subdivision of the structure
  • Supervise the calculation and weight control of the different designs throughout the different phases of the projects
  • Prepare and contribute to design reports relevant to the Certification Body
  • Contribute to the drafting of the design standards and procedures of the Engineering Department in those specialities according to their training and experience
  • Develop, maintain and update the design tools, including support in the specification of the most appropriate commercial software for the design and analysis of floating offshore structures
  • Participate in the preparation of proposals and project developments for potential clients and as well as in the company’s R&D proposals / projects

Interested registered naval architects and ocean engineers may send their application to the following e-mail address:

Ref: 56 Nautilus – Naval Architect

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