Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos

CEMT Award 2015


At Monday evening’s, November 16 Seminar of the Danish Society of Naval Architecture, Trevor Blakely, chief executive of RINA and chairman of the Confederation and the European Maritime Technology Societies, presented the CEMT Award 2015 for outstanding contribution to the European maritime industry.

The prize was awarded this year to two (Danish) Ph.D.s, Associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark: Ingrid Marie Andersen is Naval Architect at Maersk Maritime Technology and until recently she was Head of Centre at DTU, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Marie Lützen is currently Associate Professor, Institute of Technology and Innovation at University of Southern Denmark.

The Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies (CEMT) is an independent confederation of professional institutions (those involved in education and professional development) and learned societies (those facilitating the exchange of information) in the field of maritime technology.

Image: Left to right: Naval Architect Ingrid Marie Vincent Andersen, Trevor Blakely, chief executive of RINA, and Associate Professor Marie Lützen. Photo: DSNAME.

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