Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos

Caponnetto Hueber SL is hiring a Marine Fluid Dynamics Engineer / CFD Engineer


Are you willing to be part of an international group who aim to lead the innovation, the technology development and the transformation of the nautical and maritime industries towards more efficient, cleaner and more sustainable industries?

Caponnetto Hueber SL is hiring a Marine Fluid Dynamics Engineer / CFD Engineer to collaborate with our naval engineers and designers in developing efficient and innovative yachts and vessels

This is your opportunity!! More info: Microsoft Word – CH_JOB_23_02_CFD_20221011_rev3 (

  • proficient with Star-CCM+ from Siemens Digital Industries Software
  • good coding skills (java and python)
  • experienced in the racing, nautical or maritime industry
  • educational background in naval architecture, naval engineering or fluid dynamics

Based in Valencia, Spain.

If you are willing to be part of an international group who aims to lead the #innovation, the technology development and the transformation of the #nautical and #maritime industries towards more #innovative, #efficient, cleaner & #sustainable industries, apply sending your CV and references in English (mandatory):

Interested registered naval architects and ocean engineers may send their application to the following e-mail address:

Ref.: 52 Marine Fluid Dynamics/ CFD Engineer & Developer

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