Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos

Webbinar Maritime autonomous surface ships experiences update


The Autonomous Vessel Commission of the Spanish Association of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers is holding a new conference on April 19, exclusively online (registration required).

Last November 30, this Commission held the conference entitled «Autonomous Vessels. Challenges and Potential», which was the prelude to what will be discussed at this next conference. Below is the video of the event:


18:30 Opening

18:35 Conferences

Diego Fernandez Casado, Spanish Association of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers’ President

Moderation: Javier Pamies Durá, Naval Architect

  • «Redesign of waterborne logistics with a view to future technology developments for MASS», by Lars Andreas Lien Wennersberg, Research Scientist SINTEF Ocean.

Presentation based on the soon to be finished EU H2020 projects AUTOSHIP and AEGIS, and perhaps with a view to the newly started HEU projects SEAMLESS and ReNEW, which also will deal with MASS. Future developments of MASS with respect to technology, that can be used the create new vessel concepts and redesign of waterborne transport systems.The main content will be based on an AUTOSHIP roadmap that we will publish by end of March.

  • «Mayflower Autonomous Ship – The future of autonomous marine exploration», by Andy Stanford-Clark, Innovation Leader – IBM

Presentation will explain the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project, in which IBM is the lead technology partner. Mayflower has no captain and no crew, and is a scientific research vessel for gathering marine data to help us understand the chemistry of the ocean and the health of marine mammals. This fully autonomous ship crossed the Atlantic last summer, from Plymouth UK to Plymouth Massachusetts, recreating the journey of the Pilgrim Fathers 400 years ago. Andy will describe how the AI Captain navigates the boat and gives a glimpse of some of the science experiments that are on board.

  • «The MASS Code: initial development of an innovative regulation», by Hernán Javier del Frade de Blas, secure environment technical advisor at Cantabrian Sea, DGMM

The presentation discusses how the international instrument that will regulate autonomous vessels is being developed. One of the most striking aspects is that it is a development of international law without being based on an existing situation, something new, which implies a very difficult task in which the contribution of ideas by the States generates a constant debate, but very enriching.

  • «High reliability USVs for niche applications», by Rocío Malpartida Gallardo, Project Engineer UTEK

UTEK is a Spanish company dedicated to developing unmanned systems. In this context, the presentation will include the different market niche applications, both military and civilian, for reduced size USVs. In line with these different applications, we will present the different projects in which UTEK has proposed and participated by designing and manufacturing these USVs; LEUS project, SIMBAAD project, ECUVE project and SCUVE project, amongst others. In addition to these projects, UTEK has participated with its KALUGA USV in several NATO exercises, proving the value and high reliability of these solutions in some of the niche applications found in the military field.

20:00 Q&A

20:20 Wrap up and closing




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